Yes, this is normally a Theatre Review blog, and yes "Hot Fuzz" is the new film from the creators of "Shaun of the Dead" but I was lucky enough to get the chance to see the film tonight over a week before it opens, followed by a Q&A with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. So, for one post only I'm going to review a cinema film...
Those of you who have read our Welcome post already know that I don't get to the cinema often due to the increasing annoyances of the other patrons, the ridiculous lack of originality and the insistence of studios of airing trailers that either completely spoil the film in advance or are actually the only good 2 minutes of it. But I wasn't going to miss this opportunity having really enjoyed "Shaun of the Dead"
I'm not going to go into any details on the plot which although present and fairly substantial isn't really what this film is all about, but the basic set-up is big time cop moved out to the sticks. The first hour or so is fairly slowly paced but generally and genuinely funny and Simon Pegg gets the chance to show that he can really *act* and I mean that in the sense of saying that this guy has the potential of all sort of statues and awards given the kind of role that those panels favour. And Nick Frost shows he has the potential to be more than just a loveable sidekick - I hope we get to see him given more variety in their next production.
The last 45 minutes is where the pace takes off and it just does not stop - it is completely unrelentless and gives Edgar Wright the chance to show that as a director he shouldn't be limited to relatively low budget (in Hollywood terms) films and is perfectly capable of directing a "serious" action film. But even in "all out action" mode the humour is kept very much front and central and only slips to the background when they attempt to out-do the gruesomeness of the Final Destination films. This action onslaught is everything I felt was lacking from "Casino Royale" - I left it finding it difficult to recall any real highlight set pieces. With "Hot Fuzz" I think I've just spent the whole bus journey home with a silly grin on my face recalling the best moments. And just in case I haven't made it clear this is a 5/5 film.
The guys were great at the Q&A afterwards, having a chat with an interviewer and answering questions from the audience. It was great to see and hear how much love they have put into the film and it really does show in the final product. Getting back to our roots here, this is definitely something Theatre should do more of - it has much greater opportunities to do so but post show cast discussions are few and far between and I'm sure there are many who would be interested in attending. Nonsenseroom are one of the few companies who seem to really make the most of this with their "Gala night" performances.
Anyway, normal service will resume later this week when we get back to the theatre...
Monday, February 05, 2007
"Hot Fuzz" February 2007
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10:42 pm
1 Heckle
I wasn't at the film with Statler but I have to agree with his sentiments at the end.
Q&As or Meet and Greets are something I really enjoy. I've never acted in anything, I can't sing and my only public performance was in a dance display when I was about 8. To be honest I don't think I've even been backstage in a theatre.
Getting some insight from the cast/director/writers is something that I'll only ever achieve by them telling me about it. It's something that those involved in theatre productions might take for granted, but it's new and interesting to me.
For example Nonsense Room did a video blog for 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. It was a revelation as to how much input the cast had into exactly how the scene would work. I suppose I'd assumed the director's vision would be overiding, or that it's Shakespeare - so isn't it all tried and tested.
Sometimes the journey is every bit as fascinating as the destination.
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