Saturday, May 05, 2007

There will now be a short intermission...

We're having a little interval in our theatregoing for May but we'll be back at the start of June with reviews of the Northern Broadsides production of "The Tempest", the NTS production of "The Wonderful World of Dissocia", STF's "We Will Rock You" at Rothes Hall and we're still hoping to fit in Rapture's production of Arthur Miller's "Broken Glass". By mid June we should also have a fair idea of our plans for the Edinburgh Festival.

Have a good May, and we'll be back in June

2 Heckles

Thor Holt said...

Apparently the Wonderful world of Dissocia had ticket sales of 7 on one of its three nights in Aberdeen.. is the NE a Cultural wasteland or has something gone wrong in promotion?

Statler said...

Hadn't heard about problems selling tickets for Dissocia but the marketing certainly wasn't enough to interest us until we saw all the fuss generated by the London run. I do think the NTS possibly hasn't done the best job of pitching/marketing shows this year, and I think Futurology may have had problems attracting audiences (matinees scheduked for Glasgow and Edinburgh were cancelled). Hopefully they'll make more of an effort for the secong half of 2007.