On Thursday morning I returned to my desk in the office to find a post-it, which simply read "Have you seen The List?". I'll admit to being a little concerned that I was about to be escorted out the of the building for having spent too much time reading the Guardian theatre blog. So I was relieved when my colleague pulled her copy of "The List" from her drawer and flicked to their article on "Scotland's Best Websites - The top 30 websites made for and by Scots". And there we were - right at the very top of the page. Okay, it was in reverse order, so we were No. 30 - but we were there. We're flattered, shocked and a little amused - so a big 'thanks' to the folks at The List for thinking us worthy of a mention.
1 Heckle
Congratulations! You deserve it - I always read your blog even though I'm in London.
Post a heckle