Over the last couple of years we’ve found ourselves spending more and more evenings out at the theatre instead of the cinema. There are loads of reasons for this including a preference for seeing films on DVD without the annoying kids and mobile phones, and a realisation that so many films were spoiled by trailers, or were remakes or sequels where there would be very little surprises.
Theatre gave us back that anticipation of never really knowing what you would get. We also benefited greatly from a decision to largely give up attendance at Glasgow’s two main theatres - the Kings and the Theatre Royal - after a few disappointing shows. We’ve now made it a rule never to attend any show which is sold on the basis of it starring such and such from Eastenders etc. The Citizens' has become our regular haunt - with a particular affection for shows in their intimate Circle Studio, although we also enjoy our trips to the Edinburgh Festival and to other local theatres.
After a few recent experiences of seeing a show and then looking for reviews to discover there were very few, if any, we’ve decided to add our own thoughts on the shows we see. Many of the shows we see at the Citizens' then go on tour throught smaller venues in Scotland so the opportunity will be there to see the shows if it catches your interest. Even if you’re reading them too late to attend, they’ll hopefully be a useful indication as to what you can expect from the company.
We’re not in any way theatre experts with vast knowledge of plays, actors and styles, but we know a good show when we see one, and if you disagree with us feel free to comment...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Posted by
8:04 pm
3 Heckles
Hi, given your track record with Glasgow College of Nautical studies i thought i would let you know about their Hnc's upcoming performance of Mary O'malley's Once A Catholic. It runs from the 28th of may to the 30th and is directed by Stephen Cafferty. the cast would greatly apreciate it if you could come along and tell us what you think. Tickets can be obtained through contacting the Drama Office at GCNS.
Thanks for that - as you know we've enjoyed several GCNS productions in the past, but unfortunately we aren't available on any of the dates for this one. Best wishes for the show and I'm sure we'll be back to see other GCNS shows in future.
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