Although listed as the "The Bird & The Bee", "The Bee" is shown earlier in the day. So most people who will see both will usually see "The Bird" already knowing the events in Chloe's tale ("The Bee"). In hindsight that's probably for "The Best". Although well performed by the same cast as its counterpart (playing different roles), the slightly surreal story of Jacob just didn't work as well.
Although it had its engaging elements "The Bee" didn't feel like a fully fleshed out story and left me feeling like it was a DVD extra to "The Bird". Perhaps Jacob's story was just a little too bizarre to allow you to empathise with someone who you knew Chloe had connected with. And you couldn't understand how that connection had happened
"The Bee" works as a standalone piece (reviewed here) - and should probably be treated as such.
The Bird & The Bee: The Bird runs at Underbelly at 5:40pm until 24 August
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
"The Bird & The Bee: The Bird" - Edinburgh Fringe 2008
Posted by Waldorf at 10:12 pm
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